Defaults: panel on each screen?

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Fri Apr 18 12:09:11 UTC 2014

On Friday 18 April 2014 13:52:20 Martin Klapetek wrote:
> Hey,
> if there's no plasma config existing, plasma is run for the first time in a
> multi-screen env, should plasma create a (default) panel on each screen?

thinking out load: if plasma is without config and started in a multi-screen 
env that means it's also for kscreen the first time. How does kscreen handle 
this case? Start in clone mode or in extended? If it starts in clone mode it's 
kind of awkward if the user changes to extended and another panel is created. 
Maybe even make it difficult to notice whether the command succeeded - still 
looks like cloned.

If it starts expanded then there's also the possibility that the user might 
think it's cloned because both screens look the same.

On the other hand having two screens and only a panel on one might seem 
unpolished. Do we really need all of what is in the panel on both screens? Do 
we need two launchers? Maybe not. Do we need two tasks applets? if it shows 
different tasks per screen: yes. Do we need to systrays? Rather no. Do we need 
two clock? Could be handy. So maybe different configuration per panel makes 

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