RFC: plasma tooltips animations

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 10:28:24 UTC 2014

On Monday 14 April 2014 19:12:50 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> I think these problems are fixable. First obvious question: do Tooltips use
> PlasmaCore.Dialog? If yes I suggest that we move them to an own C++
> implementation - Dialog is a beast in interaction and we might have taken it
> too far. KISS might help here, adding an XSync where a sync is needed,
> adding unit tests/integration tests against KWin could help, too.

I did a very, very rough attempt in the branch

has no shadow, no transparency, sizing is kindof broken..
but that's *not* the point

what i need, is several people testing it and see wether it gives the same 
problems as using a full dialog, i just need some people that keep it for a 
while and put the thing on a stress test (like going repeatedly with the mouse 
over all tooltip areas to change and move the tooltips around as fast as 
and see if it's less crashy.
then variants can be tried like making it transparent again, with shadows etc, 
to see if is one of those things that is causing problems.

Marco Martin

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