Review Request 117450: Add Milou to the default panel layout

Mark Gaiser markg85 at
Fri Apr 11 23:01:50 UTC 2014

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 11:47 PM, Marco Martin <notmart at> wrote:
> On Friday 11 April 2014 23:07:29 Jens Reuterberg wrote:
>> Just FYI the technical bits are waaaaaay beyond me (as most of you know) -
>> this is merely commenting on the design of the thing.
>> Krunner is, for most new users, redundant. But for those users who know of
>> it - or remapped it to a nicer shortcut (Meta+Space for me) Krunner is
>> awesome. But having three paths and two of them vaguely hidden isn't a
>> great way to handle things. I think - and I know people will scream OSX so
>> loud you could shatter glass - is that we should make Milou an obvious
>> Spotlight version. Ween people on to using it to find files and folders?
>> Yes it will be called "a copy" but hell it will make it at least usable.
> what i'm concerned more, more than a copy is the fact that having already one
> menu that does searches (and returns a subset of the very same results, even)
> is kinda silly, is the typical kde-fashin "dudes, wake up and decide one way
> or the other" in osx is perfectly fine where spotlight is because they don't
> have a menu with another search field just at the other side of the panel.
>> Whether it should replace Krunner - I think so. If we can ween people of
>> Krunner (and, please bear in mind, as long as there isn't a technical reason
>> why we should have both).
>> Further, if you asked me - and you haven't - I think that we should look at
>> a way to integrate all three paths to a search into one. I know I've been
>> flogging that dead horse for months now but a unified launcher set for
>> search of files/folders as well as contacts, applications and system
>> settings with maybe Milou integrated; that would be awesome.
> yep, +100 for the integration ;)
> they should be integrated for sure, i would really rather put the milou
> results in place of the current kickoff results. the items will look slightly
> different from the normal menu items but i don't think it's an issue.
> one of the reasons krunner is its own separate thinghie even if in part
> hidden, is a technical sideeffect: is a separate process: if plasma crashes
> there is still that little thing that can launch something to save the
> session.
> so power user, semi hidden, mostly for thechnical reasons, but if they return
> the same results, the same exact look in the results even, that should be
> fine.
> what's more important i think, is that the _visible_ way to search is one.

Then perhaps krunner has served it's purpose and should go back to
what it's name implies. Running applications.
Remove all it's search functionality and only let it run applications
(sure, with auto completion, but remove the searching).
An added benefit is that krunner can be massively simplified to just
running apps and perhaps autocompletion for that purpose, but that
should be it.

Then add in milou as the central user facing search application.

I think that solves all your concerns, no?

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