Updated Plasma2 TODO list on the wiki

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Fri Sep 6 14:23:31 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I've gone over our various wiki pages with TODO tables, consolidated them, 
reviewed them, prioritized them and merged them all into one big page.


The deal is that all is now about Plasma 2. That means that a few items have 
been demoted from Done to InProgress (those were ported to Plasma1/QML, but 
still need a Plasma2 port).

I've also prioritized the list into items that are needed for a default 
config, and "add-ons", the latter are nice to have, probably break *someone's* 
workflow, but are not included in our default config. Hopefully, this way we 
can prevent having a Plasma 2 with a functioning bouncing ball, but not, for 
example, able to start or switch apps. :D

Please have a look at the wiki page, update it where necessary (and keep it up 
to date!).

Have a nice weekend!


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