Bookmarked activities (OT: Activities on Plasma2)

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Oct 30 18:50:13 UTC 2013

On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 17:25:34 Ivan Čukić wrote:
> Other than that, I don't see much of a purpose of activity
> starting/stopping. (i don't use session stuff, memory usage was a
> side-effect of the plasma's design to load all the activities in memory...
> imo, it would be better to load on switch - will make it a bit slower, but
> will improve the startup time).

there is an implication here: if there is a task driven by an item in one of 
the activities (e.g. a “check my stock portfolio and alert me when it hits a 
value” widget, or more mundane: a timer) then not loading the activity 
prevents this from happening.

loading on switch also makes the system non-deterministic from the user’s POV 
unless we also *stop* activities when switching. this means loading time on 
*each* switch, and that kills fast switching.

there has to be a solution here, but “don’t load running activities” isn’t it.

Aaron J. Seigo

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