Can we drop kcontrol/workspaceoptions?

Martin Graesslin mgraesslin at
Thu Oct 17 17:51:24 UTC 2013

Hi all,

and another KCM, but for this one I'm not sure whether it still has something 
useful: kcontrol/workspaceoptions

It offers the following features:
* switch between workspace type "Desktop" and "Netbook"
* configure dashboard to "show Desktop widgets" or "Show an independent widget 
* checkbox for "show informational tips" (whatever that is)

The first one should be obsoleted by the new dynamic shell switcher. The second 
one is a questionable feature where I think some devs would like to see it go 
away and the last one I don't know what it is about.

As I'm unsure I ask for confirmation (hello Marco, Aaron or Sebas!) before git 
rming that kcm.

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