[RFC] Moving Wishlist Items to Brainstorm

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Tue May 28 11:29:24 UTC 2013

On 27.05.2013 23:44, Luiz Romário Santana Rios wrote:
> 2013/5/27 Thomas Pfeiffer <colomar at autistici.org>:
>> On the other hand, consistency would be very useful here. It would get quite
>> confusing for users if they had to know for each project whether it accepts
>> wishlist items on bugzilla or on brainstorm. If all of KDE moved to
>> brainstorm for wishes, we could just post on the Dot "From now on, all
>> feature requests for KDE projects will be handled on
>> brainstorm.forum.kde.org". At least for users, this would be much more
>> helpful than a fragmented landscape where they may either go to bugzilla or
>> brainstorm in vain because the project they have a request for uses the
>> other one.
> One thing that concerns me a bit is that the brainstorm forums (AFAIK)
> doesn't have a search feature as advanced as bugzilla's, where you can
> choose to see bugs by product, component, version, etc.. Wouldn't that
> handicap developers looking for feature requests?

If developers start actively searching for very specific brainstorm 
topics, the whole point of moving there would be moot.
The goal is that the forum does the filtering and developers only have 
to look at the most upvoted ideas and move those that seem to be worthy 
of implementation back into bugzilla.

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