RFC: Per Component Bug Assignees

David Edmundson david at davidedmundson.co.uk
Sat May 25 14:44:56 UTC 2013

Plasma has a lot of bugs coming in for various reasons, it's a very
large product. The default assignee is plasma-bugs for each component.
I can't imagine there's anyone who is really subscribed to
plasma-bugs, to a point where they can read and process the volume of
reports that come in. There is no-one who reacts to each new bug, and
it's too big a job to ask anyone to do it.

Each component individually, however, is a different story. [1]
The number of bugs for the desktop containment, or the battery widget
and such are perfectly reasonable volumes to deal with as they come

If I was the maintainer of the Notes widget (for example, I'm not) I
would want to see all bugs relating to that component, but not drowned
out with reports of every other piece of information. I would then
promptly ignore plasma-bugs, or simply set up a filter so it goes into
a folder and only check it occasionally.

I propose the following:

Instead of using "plasma-bugs" to all new incoming bugs, we assign one
new assignee per  per component
i.e "plasma-bugs-component-widget-battery"

This does not need to be a new mailing list, only a bugzilla user.
Developers interested in that component can subscribe to that mailing
list using "user watching". (preferences -> email -> user watching)

We set up the original plasma-bugs user to do User Watching on all the
newly created component assignees so that it remains exactly the same
for people who don't like change.
(or we set it to be in the CC list, whichever is easier)

This will allow a developer(s) of an individual plasmoid to subscribe
to and deal with a items on a component level.

If this gets agreed I can arrange getting this sorted, though need a
sysadmin for some things.


(Edit, I've just seen someone posted exactly the same thing in another
thread, but I'd already written this :) so I'll post anyway )

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