Review Request 110701: Make the notes plasmoid change the background color according to the current plasma theme's text color

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Jun 20 14:59:01 UTC 2013

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Ship it!


    the const here is not necessary

- Aaron J. Seigo

On June 20, 2013, 2:22 p.m., Wolfgang Bauer wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> (Updated June 20, 2013, 2:22 p.m.)
> Review request for Plasma and Anne-Marie Mahfouf.
> Description
> -------
> The notes plasmoid by default takes the text color from the current plasma theme but has "yellow" hardcoded as default background color.
> This can lead to unreadable notes by default with certain plasma themes, e.g. Produkt.
> It's especially annoying if you're using such a theme because you can't globally change the default notes colors but have to do it for each note on its own (f.e. every time after pasting text to the desktop by pressing the middle mouse button). 
> This patch changes the default background color to black if the text color is brighter than a certain threshold.
> Also the background color is re-read from the config on plasma theme change to make it change as well if necessary.
> The brightness is determined with QColor::lightness().
> I chose 100 as threshold, because yellow's lightness value is 128 and yellow on yellow wouldn't be good either... ;-)
> I don't know if 100 is the perfect value, but it works as intended with all the themes I have installed.
> This addresses bug 320350.
> Diffs
> -----
>   applets/notes/notes.cpp 5c2ed70 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Created a note on the desktop (with default text and background color) and switched the plasma theme to each one I have installed. (Air, Air for Netbooks, Air openSUSE, Androbit, Aya, Produkt, Slim Glow, Tibanna, openSUSE)
> Notes were readable with any theme, the background color changed to black where necessary, was yellow as before otherwise.
> This patch is also part of openSUSE's plasma-addons package since a month ago.
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> Note in Produkt theme without this patch
> Note in Produkt theme with this patch
> Thanks,
> Wolfgang Bauer

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