Plasma 2 DataEngine & QML bindings

Marco Martin notmart at
Tue Jul 2 06:18:54 UTC 2013

On Tuesday 02 July 2013 03:18:37 Sebastian Kügler wrote:

> Converting it to a QVariantMap instead makes it work from QML, but it's not
> actually what we want to do here. Or is it?

yeah, qvariantmap is less efficient (since it always orders the keys), but 
qjsengine (therefore qqmlengine) only understand qvariantmap, so looks like 
we'll have to use it :/

> There's some qscriptvalue magic that I don't understand completely in
> dataenginebindings_p.h, is this the necessary glue to do the conversion
> automatically (and more efficiently)?

that is what it was doing before to make it understand qvarianthash, but is 
umportable :/

qjsvalue is *almost* identical to qscriptvalue, except you can't define custom 
conversion operators (like we were doing there) or custom constructors, so is 
not possible to register any new type besides those that are done internally 
with qv8engine (doesn't even make sense to try to patch it since they are 
porting it away from qv8engine to a new engine, so will have to see if the 
situation will improve with the new one)

Marco Martin

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