New (QML) Desktop Containment, Take 2 (with movie!)

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Mon Jan 28 15:58:19 UTC 2013


The new desktop containment is coming along nicely. After the first round of 
feedback (thanks for that, btw, for reference, it's the thread with subject 
"[RFC] New (QML) Desktop Containment").

In this iteration, the design is much closer to the current containment. The 
handle has been revamped and is now integrated into the frame, and a bunch of 
missing features has been added (rotation, for example), others brought in 
line with the goals of this piece of software.

A movie says more than thousand words, so please watch this:

The changes from the current (non-QML) containment are, roughly:
- all done in QML ;)
- handle has moved inside the appletframe
- applets align to an invisible grid

The new containnment has a (temporary, it's really only for testing and will 
be removed before release) tuning screen which allows to play around with a 
bunch of values (enable visual debugging aids to show interesting areas, 
change icon size, animation duration and opacity of the halo). This helps us 
to fine-tune a couple of variables in the current layout.

The containment still has a few bugs, but it's pretty functional and feels 
quite solid already. Bugs are:
- sizing issues, applets don't get properly laid out inside the frame
- rotation is hard to control, rotation is very skippy

- add panel doesn't work, missing available plugin reading machinery (works 
  fine from the context menu)
- Containment settings in context menu is grayed out (works fine from toolbox)

The latest state can be found in kde-workspace, in my branch called 
plasma/sebas/desktop-qml. This will install two additional Plasma packages, 
one for the toolbox, one for the containment. Please give it a try and report 
your findings.

sebas | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9

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