Screen Edge handling in 4.11

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon Jan 21 12:48:22 UTC 2013

On Monday, January 21, 2013 13:10:36 Martin Graesslin wrote:
> > >  * which edge to monitor (left/right/top/bottom)
> > >  * offset on edge
> > >  * length on edge
> > 
> > screen #?
> very unsure as we need to have a consistent screen numbering and I don't
> think that exists.

don't we have the screen id's as used in QDesktopWidget and friends?

on the other hand, i suppose without screen # we just need to get the geometry 
of the screen and send offets relative to the (x,y) of the screen's origin. so, 
yes, probably don't need screen #s ... scratch that suggestion :)

> would that work with e.g. KRunner registering the top-center area of each
> screen?

it just means 1 screen edge trigger object per screen, all connected to the 
same slot in krunner. so this is absolutely fine
> * code of this in SNI


> * SNI spec?

Aaron J. Seigo
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