reflecting on 4.10

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sun Jan 13 18:57:16 UTC 2013

On Saturday, January 12, 2013 20:01:46 Alex Fiestas wrote:
> On Saturday 12 January 2013 18:45:07 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > we have 3 repositories which probably should target 4.11:
> > 
> > * kscreen (playground/base/)
> > * libkscreen (playground/libs/)
> > * kio_mtp (playground/base/)
> > 
> > they have a few things in common:
> > 
> > * they are all worked on by Alex F. :)
> > * they are in their own repositories in playground
> You could even add more stuff to this list if you include extragear, like:
> bluedevil
> networkmanagement

good point. these are also very much left to the distro maintainers to include 
in their releases, and while most (hopefully all?) of us working on the 
workspaces use them, they really aren't integrated into our work on workspaces 
as a whole, and they ought to be.

otherwise, how can we decide how bluetooth *ought* to be integrated with the 
rest of workspace bits, etc. right now it's "random" in that we hope people 
will notice what needs doing and do it (the bluedevil+neetworkmanagement work 
that happened last year was a great example of that scheme actually working 
out :)

to state the obvious: this will become another attempt at broadening the 
workspace scope and development inclusiveness. i hope i don't blunt anyone's 
enthusiasm when i say that the last try did not produce any real results. 
that's ok: trying and not succeeding is fine; we learn from it and then try 
again until we do succeed.

i'll start a new thread in a bit about the multiple-repository issue.

> And future stuff like:
> webaccounts
> User-manager
> New pulse audio support.

indeed, it will get more complicated rather than less.

Aaron J. Seigo
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