reflecting on 4.10

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sat Jan 12 17:45:07 UTC 2013

On Saturday, January 12, 2013 18:14:21 Marco Martin wrote:
> On Saturday 12 January 2013, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> > > actually, i care :) i rather suspected this was the case, given the
> > > number of developers i've heard this same kind of story from. the reason
> > > for moving to packages varies, but fewer KDE devs run master than
> > > probably ever before. it seems a recent phenomenon, just as with you.
> > > 
> > > i'm personally very excited that more people will be running master
> > > again. and i hope with an integration branch, that will extend even
> > > further.
> > 
> > ... what I was describing here. More people running master and reporting
> > findings. I'll sound like an old grump but it's one thing we did better in
> > the past. I think we should actively try to restore that custom.
> it became really daunting after the switch to git (just update this 150 git
> repos and you're good to go, how hard can it be? :p)

exactly one of my concerns with the uncoordinated move to git .. though i'm 
sure you all heard my B&M (bitch and moan) sessions about that. kdesrc-build 
is our saviour here as you and kevin noted. i use it all the time now and 
would quite honestly be lost without it because i don't have the time to keep 
up with all those repos ... which reminds me:

we have 3 repositories which probably should target 4.11:

* kscreen (playground/base/)
* libkscreen (playground/libs/)
* kio_mtp (playground/base/)

they have a few things in common:

* they are all worked on by Alex F. :)
* they are in their own repositories in playground

if they are targetted for 4.11 (or some future release even?) we'll need to 
figure out how to deal with these separate repos. do they end up merged into 
kde-workspace? do we put them as "child" repos of kde-workspace and rely on 
kdesrc-build to bring them together? if the latter do we work on breaking up 
the rest of kde-workspace as well into multiple small repos?

these are not questions we need to, or probably even should, answer right now 
in this thread .. but they are questions that are coming. one more example of 
where coordination is really going to make or break our future releases.

> maybe something that may help is some "master class" days on irc where we
> invite everybody (as in: anybody that already contributes in little areas or
> even totally new developers that wanted to start but are scared etc) with
> blogs and/or dot announcements at one/two dates, then use those sessions to
> walk people trough (kindof an install party;).

*great* idea imho. 

p.s. i'm building a list of things suggested in this thread and when the 
discussion dries up, i'll post the list so we can then drag through them 
together and formulate something that might even look like a plan ;)

Aaron J. Seigo
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