Shadow bug in appmenu bar

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Jan 7 10:50:43 UTC 2013

On Monday 07 January 2013, Cedric Bellegarde wrote:
> Hello,
> reading recents discussions  on kde lists, i noticed that appmenu menubar
> didn't have a shadow...
> I tried to add a shadow looking at krunner/panel code, it's working but
> i've got a strange visual black line (see screenshot).
> workspace.git&a=commitdiff&h=d6c532bb03bb908ff5d8b8697fc76e0aab32d37b
> Help welcome... Thanks.

is it a plasma panel or its own window/process?

any ways, i think the problem is that the top border shadow should be removed 
(from the screenshot various corner shadows seem to overlap), if a 
Plasma::Dialog is used, this will be done automatically, otherwise look at the 
code in kdelibs/plasma/private/dialogshadows.cpp to see how is done

Marco Martin

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