Global shortcuts for clean qml plasmoids

Mark markg85 at
Thu Feb 14 08:17:55 UTC 2013

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Michail Vourlakos <mvourlakos at> wrote:
> Based on
> can you provide me with some feedback about how a clean
> qml plasmoid can create global shortcuts?
> For example through qml plugins is it a feasible option?
> Is there a better approach?  (an example code would be more the welcome)

That's a very interesting message. Specially because i wrote that blog entry :)
There are a couple of ways that i can think of to get global shortcuts
working. Everything below is "assumption" based so i could very well
be wrong!

The first possibility: Qxt! If you add
Qxt to the mix then you will get the ability to use global shortcuts.
If it's a desirable option.. i don't know.

A second possibility is one that is quite a bit harder. If i recall
correctly then you can register a global shortcut in KDE through the
system settings (shortcut manager i guess?) Then you can "probably"
use that shortcut using KAction or KShortcut or both. I'm not sure at
all about this option, but there should be something possible here.

Both options are not ideal and certainly not clean. If you want a
clean option then you'd probably need to rewrite the global shortcut
stuff in KDE (which will need to be done anyway due to wayland,
something Martin said in another thread).

I hope this helps you. I've been struggling with global shortcuts as
well and just left it as they are because it's quite complicated.

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