Rethinking global shortcuts

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Feb 7 13:51:54 UTC 2013

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 14:32:06 Marco Martin wrote:
> So an application could listen for global named shortcuts and then register
> own if those are not enough


> then shortcuts could all have names like
> org.kde.common.fullscreen
> org.kde.workspace.switchDesktop
> org.kde.workspace.closeWindow
> org.kde.workspace.executeCommand
> org.kde.application.amarok.shuffle (or some other own action that is not
> under org.kde.common.*)

nice idea indeed.

though i wonder if we need reverse domain for everything, including built-ins? 
applications and add-ons would then use reverse domain to avoid collision. sth 


this is more terse, and prevents the "oddness" of a Qt or other application 
needing to use "". 

if we are concerned about collisions with someone having "media.forward" as a 
reversed domain (unlikely imho), we could simply preface with a '.' as in 

> when a new shortcut is registered it's checked for duplicates, if found the
> user gets asked what to do with it:

i'm concerned this will create a new source of notification spamming, followed 
by the need to figure out a complex question and give an answer. i just see 
this annoying more people than helping .. particularly as some people may not 
even be aware (or care) that some applications have shortcuts. 

so if we can at all avoid bothering the user ...

Aaron J. Seigo
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