Slimming and tidying libplasma2

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Feb 6 15:49:40 UTC 2013

Hi all,
right now, plasma2 based on frameworks builds again and a minimal shell boots 
correctly from it:
(yes, we have again the "esktop Toolbo" :D)

Of course a lot stil has to be done, from the sides of libplasma, the 
declarative scriptengine, the qml imports and the shell.

About the library, what i would like to do, is to have a little review on it, 
because a whole lot of things that were needed in plasma1 now aren't anymore, 
because all the graphical items are out of libplasma now.
A lot of stuff has been removed or adapted already (library size is less than 
half of libplasma1 already) but a lot can still be done.
I've gathered a list of methods in Applet, Containment and Corona that may be 
removed or adapted. probably some of those are still valid, or instead others 
not listed there can be removed instead.

Then after that, the same thing should be done for other classes, such as 
context menu plugins.

other pieces could use a review as well (such as dataengine or framesvg), even 
tough since their use case isn't dramatically changed as the applet side of 
things, it should require less changes

Marco Martin

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