Fails to build against Qt 5.3 dev snapshot

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Dec 2 09:52:49 UTC 2013

On Monday 02 December 2013, Alan Alpert wrote:

> Oh, are you guys planning to release something on 5.2? I thought you
> were still in an early development phase. If you're going to release
> something, we'll have to put QQmlAbstractUrlInterceptor back in - just
> keep in mind it may be deprecated in 5.3 (if we need to replace it,
> there's not much way around that...).
> I'll push the 'revert revert' tomorrow, it would help if one of you
> can +1 when I do that, maybe mention which release is depending on it.

Not necessarly on 5.2 (probably not..) but since we started to use 
qabstracturlinterceptor we hoped it would stay there on future releases too.

also if it stays as public api but becomes soon deprecated wouldn't help much 
(basically we would base a new feature depending on somethig deprecated from 
day one)

for a decision wether we are going to keep using this or not, we probably need 
to know more what the plans are.
is that functionality planned to be back in another class, even tough with 
different api, functionally similar?

we used qabstracturlinterceptor for two things:
*denying some imports
*changing the path resolution on the filesystem of some others (qfilesector 
needs it, or may be used, but would need something like a reimplemented 
select() i think )

if on 5.3 there are going to be different (and public&definitive) ways to 
achieve the above two things we can continue to use the private class until 
but we need that for once the cake is.. a truth :p

Marco Martin

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