QML Plasmoid find Plasma version?

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sun Apr 7 09:30:25 UTC 2013

On Saturday, April 6, 2013 19:57:56 Michail Vourlakos wrote:
> Hello,
> is it possible for a QML Plasmoid to find the Plasma version? The situation
> is that I want to use IconItem but it is available only after 4.10. By
> finding

there is plasmoid.apiVersion .. unfortunately i don't think this has been 
changing in step with the QML imports, only the javascript API.

i think we really ought to start upping the apiVersion with the QML updates 
now as that is what really matters as that gives people a very simple way in 
their code to decide what to use or not ...

Aaron J. Seigo
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