outreach program for women (qmlify plasmoids)

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sun Apr 7 09:28:06 UTC 2013

On Friday, April 5, 2013 23:36:20 Heena Mahour wrote:
> Actually I have applied for outreach program for women under the project -
> qmlify plasmoids (kde) .I would like to get some suggestions and other
>  interesting ideas for this program (Mentors are welcome  :-D )

Terrific :)

There are a number of parts of the shell that need QML updates as well, so 
focusing on QGraphicsView->QML porting would be really useful and a great way 
to contribute.

There are a number of us here who should be able to mentor you on your path, 
including myself, Marco and Sebas...

Aaron J. Seigo
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