[Kde-pim] draft proposal
Myriam Schweingruber
myriam at kde.org
Thu Apr 4 08:26:40 UTC 2013
FYI, this was sent to the wrong mailing list...
On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Heena Mahour <heena393 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Kevin,
> Please give suggestion and could you please elaborate which plasmoids(apart
> from notes sharing using akonadi) are to be created for this project?
> ==========
> *GSoC'13 Project Proposal*
> *Name: * Heena Mahour
> *Email:* heena393 at gmail.com
> *IRC nick*: stack3457
> *Location: * New Delhi, India.
> *Prposal Title:* * Plasma Workspace Integration for Akonadi*
> *Motivation fr proposal:*
> Plasma Workspace is very well designed to accommodate various panels,
> widgets, etc. on the desktop and has seen many changes since KDE 4.1 in the
> plasma design and architecture. Its developer friendly code-base allows
> various programmers to easily create custom plasmoids which can be
> distributed as a small bundle and be easily integrated into the plasma
> workspace.
> With introduction of Qt Quick/QML in Qt 4.7, the gap between the developers
> and UI designers got narrowed down with its rich set of QML elements and
> intuitive declarative QML language. QML allows designers to create fluid
> like animated UIs very quickly. And most importantly, the animations happen
> without the slightest glitch. The Javascript/C++ bundle efficiently handles
> all the back-end implementation, leaving the designers to concentrate on
> the animations and UI simplicity.
> The aim of this project is to have multiple working Plasma Workspace
> integration bits and pieces This idea is about working and completing
> several smaller items for workspace integration
> A great advantage by it it is reduce the code maintenance effort for the
> KDE community. The plasmoids written in QML (for eg to store data in
> Akonadi) will have considerably less code as QML allows the creation of
> fluid UIs in a powerful declarative way.
> I’ve been using Linux for quite a long time, but I just became a KDE user
> in the beginning of the last year when I participated in season of kde
> 2012.My enthusiasm towards KDE initially led me to learning Qt (which I
> grasped very quickly) and made a lot of small applications with it (like a
> kde plasmoid [1])for some experience. I have already been a fan of the KDE
> Plasma amongst other KDE features, and this project is the bull's eye
> towards my interest. I see a perfect opportunity to develop some real life
> desktop user interface with the latest technology of QtQuick through this
> project.
> *Implementation plan:*
> Initially the steps were chosen for this project:
> 1)KDE currently has multiple notes plasmoids to store user notes. The best
> looking plasmoid is currently the one that plasma ships, but it does not
> use akonadi to store notes. It would be better to have one plasmoid which
> looks awesome and stores data in Akonadi and retiring other plasmoids.
> 2)?? (Please suggest)
> The above mentioned plasmoid will be transformed to either QML/Javascript
> or QML /C++ in this project.
> *Tentative Timeline:*
> May 1 onwards : Read plasma code and get familiar with the current
> plasma/plasmoids code and the plasma library.
> May 13 - May 26 : Practice painting the widets in qml . Probably write one
> or two practice plasmoids to get a first hand feel of how they're made.
> May 26 - June 9: Start with the actual re-factoring of the plasmoids into
> QML/C++ or QML/Javascript (whichever is most suitable). I plan to invest
> one-two weeks with the first two-three plasmoids .
> June 10 -June 30 :Remaining widgets may be covered within this week each.
> July 1- July 7: Testing each plasmoid and when it undergoes the
> re-factoring.
> July 8 -July 14 :Do the final adjustment ,fix bugs .
> July 15 onwards : work on documentation
> *About Me:*
> I'm a second year engineering student, pursuing B.Tech. in Computer
> engineering(COE) from Delhi Technological University(Formerly Delhi College
> of Engineering),New Delhi,India.
> I’ve been using Linux for quite a long time, but I just became a KDE user
> in the beginning of the last year when I participated in season of kde
> 2012[3].In*Season of KDE 2012*, I worked on Kde-edu game 'pairs' where I
> have done the following :-
>> Developed layout for the editor of the game pairs.
>> Developed themes for the game –pairs
>> Learned the basics of the project building & concept of make files .
> Mentor:*Marco Calignano.*
> Status : Complete and my themes are also available as add-on at
> kde-look.org <http://kde-files.org/index.php?xcontentmode=647>.
> KDE is the project I've been most familiar to and interested in, as I see
> most of cutting edge technologies wrapped up in KDE, and of course, I love
> the awesome community commitment and dedication towards the same.
> I've been following few mailing lists and the development in trunk since
> half an year. I have contributed to kde by providing pastebin
> scripts,various themes for kde-game -pairs and a plasmoid shuffle [4][1] to
> get a hold of KDE code-base and the development process of KDE.
> Besides,I have also tried to implement a tic tace toe game using qml [5]
> and a text editor [6].Apart from these,I love blogging and I have blogged
> about my projects at blogspot [7]
> Besides coding, I love painting,music and exploring new open source
> technologies.
> *Links:*
> [1] http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/shuffle?content=156491
> [2] http://community.kde.org/Plasma/QMLPorting#Porting_Plasmoids_to_QML
> [3] http://community.kde.org/GSoC/2012/StatusReports#Heena
> [4]http://kde-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=heena&action=profile
> [5]
> http://sourceforge.net/p/virtualk/code/ci/1e774cae13ee04d1b93bd31066fd3ba0ed9475bf/tree/tic-tac-toe/
> [6]
> http://sourceforge.net/p/virtualk/code/ci/1e774cae13ee04d1b93bd31066fd3ba0ed9475bf/tree/texteditor_1/
> <http://sourceforge.net/p/virtualk/code/ci/1e774cae13ee04d1b93bd31066fd3ba0ed9475bf/tree/texteditor_1/>
> [7] http://www.heenamahour.blogspot.in/
> --
> -Heena
> Season of kde'12 participant
> Delhi College of Engineering(COE),India
> http://about.me/heena.mahour
> http://heenamahour.blogspot.in
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