Plasma Wallpapers in QML

Marco Martin notmart at
Fri Sep 28 13:26:35 UTC 2012

On Thursday 13 September 2012, Aleix Pol wrote:
> What I did was to create a very very simple plugin (~40 sloc) that
> lets you easily specify a wallpaper given a QML url. Now it's
> hardcoded, and we should find a way to pass it (maybe through the
> QVariantList args?) so that a wallpaper is just the desktop file, or
> maybe something completely different. :)

I'm happy it's merged ;)
only two things still bothering me a bit that should be at least discussed:
i think wallpapers shouldn't be installed in apps/plasma/packages but have 
their own directory and their desktop files not installed under services

Marco Martin

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