Poll - Rethinking "battery remaining time" option

Viranch Mehta viranch.mehta at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 12:14:11 UTC 2012


Apparently, there has been a rage among users[1] regarding whether to
have remaining time be shown in battery monitor. Note that this bug has
considerable amount of upvotes, so I'm not reopening this for the heck of
it, I'm doing it because of the upvotes. Plus, we've never really had a poll
for this AFAIK, only discussions.

I've created a poll[2] so that we can collectively come on a most mutually
agreed decision, you can see the poll results here[3]. Please vote even if
you're neutral to the whole issue in question. I hope everyone will calmly
respect this instead of re-igniting the discussion.


PS: Can someone please cross post this to relevant MLs? Thanks.

[1] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=304510
[2] http://goo.gl/csMkI (Google doc)
[3] http://goo.gl/nhBPV (Google doc)
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