Top-rated documents for the task manager applet

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Mon Oct 15 22:16:24 UTC 2012

Hi all,

There is one thing that KActivities provide that I'd like to see in 4.10 apart 
from SLC, and that is a list of top rated documents for task manager entries 
(be it launchers - pinned apps - or running ones)

One of the ideas I'm having as to where it can be placed is the tooltip that 
shows open windows (with previews when compositing is enabled). But it can be 
a bit strange-looking for which reason I'd like to hear other thoughts/ideas.

The second reason I haven't yet done any code for this (apart from the QML 
model that the libkactivities-models provide) is that I see Eike is porting 
the applet to QML, so I wouldn't like to patch one thing, and then need to 
patch the new version.


So much complexity in software comes from trying to make
one thing do two things.
  -- Ryan Singer

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