Button component width

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Wed Oct 3 21:39:17 UTC 2012

On Wednesday, October 03, 2012 22:44:20 Mark wrote:
> You really seem to be thinking in plasma active. And in there it might
> actually work and benefit in every possible way. On the desktop things
> like this just don't work. Devs want to have freedom and certainly
> don't want to be limited. One example is the horror i experienced when
> using the dialog element for things "slightly" different then it's
> intended use in which case it becomes completely useless. That
> component would have been perfect for my needs if it had a little more
> flexibility.

Maybe you could be more specific, as this it sounds just like a frustrated 
rant? (Which is understandable, but doesn't help improving anything for you in 
the future.) Maybe those changes are easy to make, maybe your use case hasn't 
been considered, or maybe you're doing it wrong? :)

> Also, setting a minimal size in characters.. Is there any other
> toolkit out there that's doing that? Again, i can imagine this to work
> wonderful for plasma active, but it just doesn't work on the desktop.
> The default width should be calculated based on the string that's put
> into it. Then devs can decide to ignore that "suggestion" and just set
> a width of their liking.

I don't think it has much to do with Plasma Active or not. It's a hard problem 
though, sacrifice visual consistency for odd text layout? I tend to lean on 
the "fairly fixed" default button size, simply because as soon as you use more 
than one button, it will easily look "off" and becomes incredibly hard to 
align. In such cases, I tend to do that alignment "from the outside", but as 
Marco says, I don't think it's a good idea to require it.


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