[RFC] New (QML) Desktop Containment

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 13:28:24 UTC 2012

On Thursday 22 November 2012, Marco Martin wrote:
> forgetting for a while about the implementation, what would probably work
> the best from an ui point of view is (not too unlike the current behavior,
> but a bit fancier):
> * plasmoids freely movable, if some conditions don't happen, they stay
> exactly in the pixel they are dropped.
> * the drop target doesn't show normally, it appears when an applet would be
> then moved or resized by the layout system (ie user is dragging one on top
> of another)
> * when put near another one, plasmoids snap at edges/corners to perfectly
> align: the drop target appears also when a snap would occur

to go a bit more at impementation details vevel, to achieve something like 
that, it could be done:
* maintain the same grid system 48x48 there is now
* so when a plasmoid is dropped, those cells are marked as taken
* but the plasmoid is not moved to be exactly in position and size grid 
aligned, the positioning is free
* but the grid is still used to see if the dropped place is acceptable (or if 
it will cause a resize) when the final position will be in an area of the grid 
different to the one the plasmoid is being dragged right now, the drop target 
* snapping is a bit an unsolved problem. maybe enabling the full snap to grid 
behaviour when ctrl is pressed? is not much discoverable but also not "in the 

Marco Martin

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