[RFC] New (QML) Desktop Containment

Alex Fiestas afiestas at kde.org
Wed Nov 21 19:42:09 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 21 November 2012 20:10:06 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> Hi,
> As you might know, I'm porting our desktop containment to QML. The platformy
> bits are now nearly complete (and merged into master cq. 4.10. On the UI
> side, progress has also been rather good. There's a QML ToolBox now, and
> I've got a proof-of-concept version of the containment itself going, which
> takes care of layouting the widgets on the screen and provides an applet
> handle.
> I've recorded a ~3 minute movie that shows the current state:
> 		http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbSuNrn3qoU
Wow! This make me feel that common feeling of "4.10 is not yet released and 
I'm already waiting for 4.11" xD

I really like the merge of the grid into the the desktop containment, doing it 
by hand is hard specially when you have to do pixel perfect aiming.

Showing the frames when unlock is a HUGE improvement, I have some ideas on how 
I'd like lock/unlock to be, but for avoiding past mistakes let me ask first... 

How do you envision "Plasmoid management" ?
	-When a user wants to add/remove/move a plasmoid?
	-How many times it is done? And in what time frame?
	-Does SLC add a plasmoid when something is connected to the Activity? Or 
that's specific to Active?
	-How much do we want to promote plasmoids into users?
		-As an example for this, to we want to be like netvibes, google/ig, etc? 
(kinda the newspaper view in netbook).


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