Homerun sources and Plasma runners

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at kde.org
Fri Nov 16 21:07:34 UTC 2012

> > - can update matches
> > - "standardized" favoriteIds
> what would have more than mimedata?
> (would still not require all runners to be bookmarkable, don't really want
> to have a bookmark of the result of the query "1+1=")

Ths idea of mimedata support was made exactly for this, and for the ability of 
drag and drop. Aurélien, do you have a use-case for when it would be 
beneficial to remember the indirection (which runner and how points to the 
data) instead of the data itself?

This is something I thought about when we made the mimedata, but couldn't 
think of a reason for not going directly to the result.

> > Q: Do we want the ability to browse in the Runner interface?
> > 
> > Of course I think it is nice to have this, but I can understand it may
> > not match with the way you think KRunner should work.
> hmm, basically a resultthat opens in a list of items? i can see a can of
> worms here...

I agree that this would be an overkill.

Again, if the result is a folder, or something that the rest of the system 
knows is browserable, the client that uses the runner can make it browserable. 
Don't think we really need it in the API.


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easier ways to do something.
  -- Robert Heinlein

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