Introducing Homerun

Marco Martin notmart at
Thu Nov 15 09:19:11 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 14 November 2012, Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> > I see that listview has a section property that would be exactly what is
> > needed, while gridview doesn't, meh
> Agreed, I wish listview had a section property.
> > in this case may be worth a proxymodel?
> How would this proxymodel work?

don't know, one option is to take entries from the runner model and put it in 
a tree, one branch by runner, or just filter (and for that sortfiltermodel may 
be enough) by runner, than have a single runnermodel, but a sortfiltrmodel per 

i do a similar thing in plasma active for the icon grid, there the results are 
separed in pages, with a filter model per page

Marco Martin

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