Kickoff-QML in 4.10 ?

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Nov 14 11:50:49 UTC 2012

On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:08:57 Rick Stockton wrote:
> Beta tagging comes up on Thursday, but I haven't seen any indication
> that Kickoff-QML will be merged into 4.10.

I tried it again today and there has been some really good progress, but it is 
not yet ready for merging. Issues that remain include:

e* the tab bar at the bottom is completely separated from the content; having 
the tabs merged with the content so it is obvious which tab is selected is one 
thing that kickoff actually got right.

* the bread crumb line is functional but very, very unpretty. it's just a line 
of regular pushbuttons, and really it ought to be a "proper" breadcrumb with 
"Root > Leaf > Leaf" style as we have in dolphin. 

* the bread crumb needs to scroll lef/right when it gets too long; once i 
navigate 4 levels into the menu (i have such a thing for testing exactly this 
sort of thing :) the bread crumb buttons just spill off out the right-hand side 
of the widget

* an animation when switching between levels in the application hierarchi 
would be very nice. the c++ version of kickoff has this and we should not go 
backwards here

* games can be shown with their generic names. there's even a TODO for this in 
the code: "TODO: games should always show the by name...really?" yes, really. 
the generic names are useless as they are things like "Card game". the 
kgoldrunner one is particularly fantastic. 

* the QML needs to be updated to match the qml style guide:

* when run with location set to top or bottom, the tab bar buttons are 
properly set to be at the top or bottom of the dialog. on left and right, 
however, they remain at the bottom. they should appear vertically on the edge 
closest to the pointer.

problems possibly outside of kickoff-qml, but which block merge:

* i am experiencing crashes here whenever i click into the Search line edit 
and start entering text

* for some reason, the top line of the flickable area always stays visible once 
the view is scrolled down; scrolling all the way to the top does not make it 
go away. this could well be a bug in PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea rather than in 
the kickoff-qml.

Aaron J. Seigo
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