The tooltip state. Not that good. Proposal for improvement.

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sun May 27 18:02:17 UTC 2012

On Sunday, May 27, 2012 18:22:10 Mark wrote:
> Is this (tooltip refactoring) going to be for frameworks only or for KDE
> 4.10(?) as well?

there's no reason we could not start using the new tooltips classes in 4.x 
code AND for the library to be part of Frameworks as well.

there's a number of reasons we quite purposefully stopped calling everything 
"KDE" and in the process broke out the naming and even to some degree the 
marketing for the libraries (Platform 4.x, Frameworks 5.x), workspaces and 

they are independent pieces.

anytime we ask a question that implies the applications are welded to the 
workspaces / applications, or the applications to the workspaces, ... etc .. 
we're regressing. they are independent. there is no KDE 5. there never will be 
a KDE 5. there will be a KDE Frameworks 5. and workspaces? we'll decide as we 
go when and what to use where and how.

it is amazingly freeing when you make that mental leap :)

so go ahead. develop the classes with the goal of making it part of 
Frameworks. and we'll use it whenever we damn well feel like it. ;)

Aaron J. Seigo
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