Plasma Applet Testing for 4.9

David Edmundson david at
Wed May 16 22:28:16 UTC 2012

As you may know the KDE Quality team was set up recently with the aim
of conducting organised testing of KDE just before a release.

The overall plan is to have several days of specific testing, (dates
TBC) trying to drum up involvment marking it easier, and have a
specific targetted lists of things to check. This will be from a team
of people who have been "trained" (forced to read a wiki page) on how
to write good bug reports.

I'm tasked with leading testing of the plasmoids which is why I'm writing here.

I'm going to focus purely on the new QML plasmoids because:
1) They're new and untested by a wide audience
2) Realistically any bugs on anything else will be met with "...we're
going to rewrite it anyway", which is a waste of my time and yours.

I have a (fairly vague) checklist of items to go through for each plasmoid:

I need:
 - a list of all the new QML-based applets (by the time of the first beta)
    (afaik, nowplaying, battery, locklogout, activitymanager.. but
there are so many more random branches about, and I don't know the
status of these)
 - any suggestions/additions to my checklist or our workflow plans

Obviously raising a lot of bugs on it's own isn't very useful. I'll be
spending some of my time helping fix things afterwards, but it really
needs involvement from a lot of people available on the testing
weekends to fix issues as quickly as they're opened.

David Edmundson

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