Versions and commit hooks

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Wed May 16 11:41:28 UTC 2012

Am 16.05.2012 13:28, schrieb Aleix Pol:
> So, what does FIXED-IN tag offer? Or is it just a hack because we
> don't have the proper tool set?
Your users who reported the bug don't have git log and cannot know when 
the bug fix will appear. Adding the information will fill in the Version 
fixed-in field in the bug report so that your user sees when the bug 
will be fixed.

Consider the situation when master is opened again and 4.9 not yet 
released. A user would not understand that the bug will not be fixed 
before 4.10 unless you state so.

For us it's not such a useful information, but for the user it's a very 
valuable information which we can and should easily provide.

Furthermore you can use the ChangelogGenerator to generate the 
changelog based on the version fixed-in field. The git log is unsuited 
for changelogs as it is too technical.


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