Could use some help on getting the QML taskmanager running in KDE 4.8

Mark markg85 at
Sat May 5 23:20:29 UTC 2012


I checked this one out:
compiled the taskmanager plasmoid. So far so good.
Then i added the new library path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Then simply running "plasmoidviewer" in the compiled package path of that

I turned on every possible kde debugging message and i'm only getting this:
plasmoidviewer(21961)/plasma main: setting FormFactor to "planar"
plasmoidviewer(21961)/plasma main: setting Location to "floating"
plasmoidviewer(21961)/plasma main: setting containment to "null"
plasmoidviewer(21961)/plasma main: setting auth policy
plasmoidviewer(21961)/libplasma Plasma::Corona::Corona: !!{} STARTUP TIME
4218577 Corona ctor start
plasmoidviewer(21961)/plasma main: just load applet
plasmoidviewer(21961)/plasma FullView::addApplet: adding applet "" in "null"
plasmoidviewer(21961)/kdecore (KSycoca) KSycocaPrivate::openDatabase:
Trying to open ksycoca from "/var/tmp/kdecache-mark/ksycoca4"
plasmoidviewer(21961)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::KDirWatchPrivate:
INotify available:  true
plasmoidviewer(21961)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::addEntry: Added
File "/home/mark/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc" for "" ["KDirWatch-1"]
plasmoidviewer(21961)/libplasma Plasma::AppletPrivate::init: Check your
constructor!  You probably want to be passing in a Service::Ptr  or a
QVariantList with a valid storageid as arg[0].
plasmoidviewer(21961)/plasma FullView::addApplet: connecting

The taskmanager looks like this:
I am getting the feeling that the compiled library
( is - for some reason - not being loaded
though i did check (double check and triple check) to see if my
LD_LIBRARY_PATH was set fine and it was. Yet lsof shows no sign
of being used anywhere.

Could someone provide a little help on getting this working?
I would like to get this working on the current KDE 4.8(.3) release.

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