Proposal: use Icon Tasks as our default taskmanager.

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Sat May 5 15:51:22 UTC 2012

On Saturday 05 May 2012 14:25:09 Mark wrote:
> Icon tasks is already shipped with KDE since version 4.8 (or 4.7?). The
> things that have to be added to it to make it a full taskmanager
> replacement is fairly minor so why not?
> So all things considered, why don't we pull the plug for taskmanager and
> start using icon tasks by default?
> Would this be on time for KDE 4.9?
I am against using IconTasks as the default [1] for the following reasons:
* we are after feature freeze
* it lives in plasma-addons and not in kde-workspace
* the UI is way too complex
* the issues you mentioned are not related to TaskManager but to 
libtaskmanager which is shared by both applets. All those issues are probably 
also visible with icon tasks but just better hidden.

The first two items are clear showstoppers for 4.9 IMHO and the third one is a 
clear showstopper in general given the way how we considered the task applet 
up to now: few options, not complex and who wants more should be able to get a 
complex version.


[1] Note: I use it myself and are very happy with it
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