Kickoff 4.8.x: Good 'bugfixes', or unacceptable enhancements?

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Mar 21 08:03:14 UTC 2012

On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 16:16:03 Rick Stockton wrote:
> I can easily provide this in both 4.9 (QML) and the 4.8.x Widget-based
> Kickoff. Both are easy to accomplish, but when do I "cross the line"
> into an unnacceptable level of new features, added into a minor Release
> of 4.8.? 

absolutely not allowed are new strings or things that can negatively impact 
stability or data storage. this doesn't fall into either of those categories, 
so we have to use our "common sense" judgement. personally, i'm fine with these 
changes in 4.8.x as the patches should not be too big, it doesn't visibly 
change the UI and it will bring some contenment to some of our users. my 
"common sense" says "this is ok"

> (2) Back Button or a "Scroll-Left" wheel event. Do the exact same "back"
> functionality for both input methods.

> (3) Add Arrow Key support on the Keyboard (all 4 directions, including
> the 'Left' Arrow).


Aaron J. Seigo
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