request for review

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Mar 16 20:58:21 UTC 2012

On Friday, March 16, 2012 13:10:54 Shaun Reich wrote:
> i do have a question however, as to why matches get triggered (even
> for the mediawiki engine which currently resides in there, afict),
> even though it isn't in singlerunnermode, and the prefix isn't being
> hit. e.g. user is typing in "some query" would trigger a match for
> that runner, instead of it only being triggered by "wiki some query".
> any ideas on that?

because RunnerManager does not know anything about prefixes :)

with the RunnerSyntax there is a step in a useful direction there, but then 
there still needs to be a way saying "this runner only cares when the prefixes 
match" (some do both prefix matching and free text search)

in my testing (admitedly some time ago) there was very little benefit to doing 
this in RunnerManager however versus just letting the runners themselves figure 
it out.

.. assuming i'm understanding what you're asking :)

Aaron J. Seigo
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