activity aware plasmoids

J Janz kde at
Wed Mar 7 19:24:41 UTC 2012

Anything like the found at ? [image:
Imagem inline 2]

This is an idea I have, too, and found that wordpress plugin some months
ago and it's as good as an example. But, in my head these may be also
mashed up with your e-mail (I know ... "what?!") or even skype (or whatever
alike is been used right now) in a way that someone's mentioned you in a
tweet a day before and you, only seeing that right now, sees s/he's online
and just call him/her (or, if you need it written down, mail him/her, or
whatever else you find more appropriate to handle that communication).

I also have in idea for a contacts list which, in a way I still miss a few
strings, is connected to that, so that you see everyone in your list and
decide how to contact them (mail, tweet, skype and so on), one person or
some people, and it goes right to your communication/social stream. Here's
a mockup I've only started back then (Oct/2010) and didn't finish: [image:
Imagem inline 1]

However, as you guys probably know/noted, I still don't have much the
skills needed for it (neither time to achieve it by myself, as I've lived
all my life used to). So, all I wanted right now is to share (and maybe
extend) the dream and drop a few examples to make it more tangible.

J (|´:¬{)»
"Eu sou a ressurreição e a vida. Quem crê em mim, ainda que morra, viverá;
e todo o que vive e crê em mim não morrerá, eternamente. Crês isto?"
O Senhor, Jesus Cristo - Jo.11:25-26

Em 25 de fevereiro de 2012 05:50, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at> escreveu:

> hi all...
> i woke up this morning from a dream in which all the facebook updates,
> tweets
> and emails from people associated with an activity where showing up in a
> live
> stream on screen. it wasn't really the point of the dream (ok, dreams don't
> have "points" in general) but it was a very fun detail of it. it felt so
> natural.
> the stream had a toggle in it to show "all" or filter on the current
> activity.
> something to work on...
> --
> Aaron J. Seigo
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