Hello... WorkFlow Plasmoid
Michail V.
mvourlakos at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 16:42:48 UTC 2012
Στις 22/06/2012 06:32 μμ, ο/η Marco Martin έγραψε:
> On Friday 22 June 2012, Michail V. wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am developing a plasmoid called Workflow, the project's webpage can be
>> found here:
>> http://opentoolsandspace.org/en/projects/development/plasmoid-workflow
>> I'd love to have your feedback, as I have a deadline in my head for the
>> first version
>> mid-of September. The pieces are starting to get into place, it's almost
>> usable right now
>> but until now I have faced the following issues, I am developing it in
>> KDE 4.8.4 at opensuse
> Hi,
> first of all, this is a very cool project, (there may be even some concepts of
> it that may make sense to be implemented in the default workspace)
> how is written? c++? qml? a combination of the two?
Hi Marco,
the UI is completely written in qml and the interaction with plasma in
c++. You can test it if you want
from the project's gitorious page, branch plasmoid. Some things do not
work e.g. moving a task
from activitiy to activity but one piece at a time... :)
> 1) I am using the following code to remove an activity:
> void ActivityManager::remove(QString id) {
> ActivityManager::stop(id);
> Plasma::Service *service = plasmaActEngine->serviceForSource(id);
> KConfigGroup op = service->operationDescription("remove");
> op.writeEntry("Id", id);
> Plasma::ServiceJob *job = service->startOperationCall(op);
> connect(job, SIGNAL(finished(KJob*)), service, SLOT(deleteLater()));
> }
> plasmaActEngine is org.kde.activities,
> the behavior is that the activity is not removed from the dataengine,
> there is a ghost activity
> in the dataengine that doesnt have some fields, name, icon etc...
> In order for someone to delete it completely the user must use the
> ActivityManager or make
> a logout/login
> i seen this problem in the past.
> seems that to be correctly deleted the deletion should happen at least an
> event loop after the stop. (like being done by a slot connected with a timer
> with 0 timeout).
> if this is still the case in master is worth investigating why this happens.
I will try it. I am starting to think that I will drop the
org.kde.activities dataengine and use
only the libkactivities as Ivan Cukic proposed me.
>> 2) The plasmoid is developed as a PopupApplet in order to be able to be
>> placed in a panel,
>> I have tried many things but I can not restore the plasmoid in its
>> previous used size after a logout/login,
>> the popupapplet changes the DialogWidth,DialogHeight properties
>> correctly in the plasmoids settings
>> but after a logout/login the plasmoid remains in its default size.
> is the size correctly saved in plasma-desktop-appletsrc?
> in theory shouldn't be necessary to do anything
> (may be a problem in the qml binding of popupapplet itself?)
size is correctly saved in plasma-desktop-appletsrc, When you log out by
examining the
file the size is also correctly saved but when you log in it changes
I have started to think that maybe it's a distro bug because no
popupapplet remembers
its size. (I use opensuse 12.1 with kde 4.8.4)
>> 3) I have tried to find a way to clone an activity through the plasmoid
>> but I did not have any success.
>> I have seen that the ActivitiesEngine, in plasma/desktop/shell, is using
>> class PlasmaApp for most of the
>> operations and not the dataengine, Is there a way to use PlasmaApp also?
>> or in the future cloning an activity
>> is going to be supported through the dataengine?
> there aren't any exposed way, i don't think.
> this because the implementation of activities/containment correspondence is in
> the shell executable, so not reachable by the plasma library.
> i see several ways in which the containments cloning may be reached from a
> library tough.
> what is needed is:
> * a client asks the activity manager to duplicate an activity
> * the activity manager signals this, the plasma shell duplicates the
> containments
> * the activity manager duplicates the associations nepomuk resource/activity
> as well
> * kwin duplicates the window association
> i think the last two points are not done in any way for now.
> this may also sparkle a discussion on what is the optimal workflow to create
> an activity:
> * an empty one can be created
> * or a duplicate of the current
> * or one with all the files and windows currently open, regardless if they are
> associated or not
> * or the union of last two points: all open stuff plus all currently
> associated to the current one
> Cheers,
> Marco Martin
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For the cloning many questions arise. I think that I will try to
implement a hack as I have done
for reading the wallpaper (I am reading the plasma-desktop-appletsrc
file directly to access the
wallpapers for activities with single image wallpaper). I dont know if
it will be a success but by examining
the activitiesmanager in plasma I found that there is a folder
'share/apps/plasma-desktop/activities/' which
has I think the containments for every stopped activity.
So I was thinking to try implement something like:
e.g.Activity A ->(clone to)->Activity B
1.Stop Activity A (temporary)
2.Stop Activity B (temporary) (learn the main containment id of Activity B)
3.Copy in folder share/apps/plasma-desktop/activities/ (Activity A
settings to Activity B)
4.Fix in Activity B settings the containment id
5.Start ActivityA
6.Start ActivityB
Michail Vourlakos
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