Plasma Containment default setting

Marco Martin notmart at
Thu Jun 21 15:25:32 UTC 2012

On Thursday 21 June 2012, Varun Herale wrote:
> > * will the feature work consistently (multiple screens, per-virtual
> > desktop containments, etc..) and not just work for some configurations
> I have written some code <> for this. It hosts
> a dbus-interface from which wallpaper plugins can be loaded. From what I've
> tested it works for per-virtual desktop containments and should also work
> with multiple screens. Please do review, it'll help with my understanding
> of Plasma atleast.
> crazy idea: what about using SLC for this? Like -> Use as wallpaper
> > I am new here and I haven't come across this before. So please bear with
> me. Is the feature currently available or is it being worked on right now ?
> I only find Plasma::Mobile links on searching for it!

the ui and services are in the share-like-connect repository.
it's still in playground because still needs improvements in the ui and 
backend sides.
the api to advertise content to it is in kactivities tough, so available in 
4.9 already.

> From what I understand this will also help applications communicate with
> plasma, am I right ?
> > Yes, but this discussion started exactly because there's a need
> > (justified or not) for a different solution. That's what that "fallback"
> > referred to (again, think the non-drag enabled envs and/or the
> > convenience mention previously).
> > 
> > Yes, but if SLC helps applications communicate with plasma then
> applications can provide their own solution for this problem. Where can I
> find out more about this ?,_Like_and_Connect

Marco Martin

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