When should a bug be considered as a regression or a release_blocker?

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at kde.org
Thu Jun 21 15:18:15 UTC 2012

On Thursday 21 June 2012 16:56:51 Marco Martin wrote:
> On Thursday 21 June 2012, Mark wrote:
> > >> Both issues are not something that obstruct normal KDE usage, but they
> > >> do render some parts of KDE completely useless. I'm a bit unsure if i
> > >> should mark such bugs as release blockers.
> > > 
> > > not when they are this minor, no.
> > 
> > True and i completely agree with it.
> > But this doesn't make it any easier. Marco said (above): "i don't
> > think we should make releases with random pieces cutted out, or they
> > will never be complete" so we don't cut out pieces that don't work yet
> > we also don't want to release pieces that don't work.
> > 
> > If you follow that reasoning it is... a blocker :p
> sometimes we just have to release with known issues or release never.

we cannot reach 0 bugs, it's impossible. So we have to compromise. For minor 
issues it is valid to say that can go into the release.

What we do at KWin is using the target milestone (set by developers!) to 
indicate what we want and need to fix till the next release or the second 
next. That might work also for Plasma.

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