No "remaining time" option in battery monitor?

Kevin Ottens ervin at
Fri Jun 15 07:38:03 UTC 2012

On Thursday 14 June 2012 20:08:10 Shaun Reich wrote:
> To me it looks less like a "discussion" and more like a "aaron got pissed
> because it didn't work for him, who himself is one person therefore nobody
> should have it".

I stopped reading your email right here...

It's a) unacceptable to point finger like that, b) factually wrong. If you 
want to point fingers at people (which is still a very bad habit nonetheless), 
at the time I was the Solid maintainer and I've been actively lobbying against 
having that thing displayed.

Now on the why there's plenty of reasons, we got through them in several 
threads, do your homework, thanks.

Kévin Ottens,

KDAB - proud patron of KDE,
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