plasmapkg and Layout Template

Antonis Tsiapaliokas kok3rs at
Sun Jun 10 15:56:44 UTC 2012


The menu of the list-types from the plasmapkg is the following. But the
argument -t doesn't work, because if you pass "plasmapkg -t "Layout
Template" -u path_to_layout" it will say
that the "Layout Template" is an invalid package.  This is happening
because inside the kde-runtime/plasma/tools/plasmapkg/main.cpp, the if
condition is checking for the string
"layout-tempalte". So here is my question, should there be correspondance
between the package name and the type of the package?

Package types that are installable with this tool:
Built in:
Addon Name            Service Type           Path
--------------------  ---------------------  ------------------------
DataEngine            Plasma/DataEngine      plasma/dataengines/
KWin Effect           KWin/Effect            kwin/effects/
KWin Script           KWin/Script            kwin/scripts/
KWin Window Switcher  KWin/WindowSwitcher    kwin/tabbox/
Layout Template       Plasma/LayoutTemplate  plasma/layout-templates/
Plasmoid              Plasma/Applet          plasma/plasmoids/
Runner                Plasma/Runner          plasma/runners/
Theme                                        desktoptheme/
Wallpaper Images                             wallpapers/
Wallpaper Plugin      Plasma/Wallpaper       plasma/wallpapers/

Provided by plugins:
Addon Name               Service Type            Path
-----------------------  ----------------------  -------------------------
Comic                    comic                   plasma/comics/
Javascript Addon         Plasma/JavascriptAddon  plasma/javascript-addons/
MacOS Dashboard Widgets  dashboard               plasma/plasmoids
ShareProvider            Plasma/ShareProvider    plasma/shareprovider/
Web Widgets              webkit                  plasma/plasmoids
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