kde plasma workspace structure

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Fri Jun 8 20:01:35 UTC 2012


here is a rough block diagram of the overall kde software stack:


some notes:

* the applications have little dots in them:
	Blue -> desktop
	Pink -> Touch (Harmattan, Active, ...)
	Universal -> one UI, works everywhere

* the UIs, even when they are touch UIs, belong to the application projects.

* the application list is not complete ;)

* there is a lot more in kde-workspaces, but most of the big pieces are there. 

* acronyms!!!! DM is display manager, SM is session manager

* the QML/HTML5 blocks above Plasma in the dev platform section are the 
bindings and script engines used by plasmoids, dataengines, etc.

* workspace utils includes things like kcheckpass, kfreespacenotifier, 
plasmapkg, kwrited, etc.

* you can see how kde-runtime gets pulled in various directions (the reason 
for the change in frameworks5 -> make it consistent by putting each individual 
thing where they most belong)

* the individual workspaces (Desktop, Netbook, Active..) are layered above 
Workspaces; everything underneath them is shared. Workspaces is one set of 
technology. it is also worked on as one large project.

* Plasma Active is "Plasma" + "Active". just like Calligra Active is 
"Calligra" + "Active"

here is a rough diagram of what goes into one of the Plasma specializations:


the 3 specializations we've done range from 4k to 25k LOC each. in other 
words: they are small. in comparison, the folderview plasmoid is nearly 8k 

there is also a somewhat dated, but still generally accurate, page on techbase 
about design of a Plasma shell:


questions / comments?

Aaron J. Seigo
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