Theming, again

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Jun 4 19:18:02 UTC 2012

On Monday 04 June 2012, Ivan Cukic wrote:
> > then let's go through the API and mark which are which so we can plan
> > properly for libplasma2. as you made the assertion, i'd like to ask you
> > go first :)
> I don't mind the API of the class that much. That is, the things that it
> provides, I guess it could be prettier but that's another point (maybe for
> ervin :) )
> The thing that is it has (imo) too many features:
> - non-stretch borders or center
>    is there any important theme really using this?

just started a theme that uses tiled pixmaps as center ;)

> - mask
>    ok, this serves some purpose - defines the mask for blur and overlay
>    (see next item)

most important use is for the mentioned background with borders on top

> - overlay
>    introduced for a single purpose - to show circles in the Air theme.
> Later, to show rectangles. Now not used by the theme it was designed for
> at all. I do use it in one of mine, but I'm still for dropping it.

is used in air-mobile almost everywhere to to textured noise, the random 
placement thinghie.. yes was a bad idea ;)

> - (just so that Aaron has a reason to kill me) custom rotating animations
> on task hover and similar :)
> - setting different coloured backgrounds for different applets

doesn't it risk to create a nightmare of black on black text colors?

Marco Martin

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