System tray: project

Dmitry dmitry.ashkadov at
Fri Jul 20 09:48:09 UTC 2012

Hello, Marco!

What do you think about:

  * should I use code of current system tray (i.e. git clone & git
    branch ) to include system tray in QML in KDE or create new clean
    project (i.e. git init) and push it [new project] to playground?
    Should system tray in QML be an continuation of tray in C++ (git
    branch) or it [system tray in QML] should be a project, new applet
    (git init)?
  * should I save project structure (files and directories, classes,
    etc) or I can feel free creating project (new/different files,
    directories and classes, etc)?
  * should I access to data engine "statusnotifieritem" from C++ code or
    can do this from QML directly?

The answers to these question are required me to understand how I can 
organize code to avoid problems with integration of system tray in KDE.

Thank you!
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