Adding an image to slideshow.

Varun Herale varun.herale at
Wed Jul 4 13:59:47 UTC 2012

> i think that would be a highly unexpected for the user as image files
> would end
> up copied seemingly randomly all over the place. no .. what needs to
> happen is
> that the wallpaper plugin needs to be fixed so that it remembers the added
> path
> correctly.
> (classic example of "fix, don't work around, the bug")

True, but I was thinking copying them to the folder will mean all the
concerned images are in one place. But I understand how that can cause
other problems.

How about adding another key to the config file which comes under
"slidepaths" ? This key could hold a list of all user-added images to the
current slideshow and if the user changes the slideshow folder the paths
can be cleared.

I think this should be best option if the added images are to be remembered
even after restart while plasma-desktop is loading. Or is there another way
to remember between sessions ?

Varun Herale
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