Just a little more help needed with QML and Data Engine

Eric Mesa ericsbinaryworld at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 22:51:52 UTC 2012

Here's what the data in the data engine looks like:

It's a QString.

I want to access that from within my QML Program.  But I keep getting the

Result of expression 'viewsSource.data["75"]' [undefined] is not an object.

Here's the code in my QML program:

import Qt 4.7

import "content"

import QtWebKit 1.0

import org.kde.plasma.core 0.1 as PlasmaCore

Rectangle {

    id: window

    width: 360

    height: 360

    PlasmaCore.DataSource {

         id: viewsSource

         engine: "flickrviewsengine"

         connectedSources: ["75"]

         interval: 0

         onSourceAdded: connectSource(viewsSource)

         Component.onCompleted: connectedSources = sources


    property string currentGroup: viewsSource.data["75"]["Group 75"]

    property bool loading: feedModel.status == XmlListModel.Loading



            source: window.currentGroup //viewsSource.data["75"]["Group 75"]

            query: "/rsp/photos/photo"

            XmlRole { name: "title"; query: "@title/string()"}


    Row {

        width: 360

        height: 43


            width: window.width; height: window.height

            color: "blue"

            Text {

                id: testtext

                text: qsTr("buttons will go here!")




    Row {

        x: 0

        y: 43

        width: 370

        height: 317

            Rectangle {

                width: window.width/3+10; height: window.height

                color: "#efefef"

                ListView {

                    id: list

                    width: window.width/3; height: window.height

                    model: feedModel

                    delegate: ItemDelegate {}

                    highlight: Rectangle { color: "lightgray" }

                    highlightMoveSpeed: 9999999



            Rectangle {

                width: window.width/3*2

                height: window.height




What am I missing?


Eric Mesa
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