RSS Launcher plasmoid

Lionel Chauvin megabigbug at
Tue Dec 18 16:33:33 UTC 2012


I wrote another RSS plasmoid based on the qml "news" plasmoid.

Here a screenshot:
The plasmoid can be downloaded from:

This plasmoid displays a flat list of all rss feeds.
Each item shows:
- the entry's title and an icon for recognize the RSS feed
-the first lines of the entry and one or two thumbnails when the entry contains images
- a footer with the feed's name,  the author's name (when available) and a date of publication
When you click on an item, it launches the corresponding url in your favorite browser.

 is a pure qml plasmoid.  It works properly with KDE > 4.9.90 because
 it needs a fix of PlasmaCore.SortFilterModel  and a modification of RSS
 dataengine for RSS feeds that contains "updated" atom tags.

list items don't have the same height.  In order to fix scrollbar bugs 
the listview has a cachebuffer.  As it  uses more memory, I limited the 
number of displayed entries to 50. This value can be changed in main.xml

 would like help to improve the "news" plasmoid but due to the 
cachebuffer,  I don't know if the features of my plasmoid could be used.
Any idea about that ? 

 several pages of 50 entries.  I tried to load/unload several listviews 
(with a Loader item) but it doesn't free the memory properly.

I would like to create a config panel  for this plasmoid.
Currently only the first entry of main.xml can be configured.
Is it planned to support config panel for qml plasmoid ?

Do you think I can publish this plasmoid on kde look ?


Lionel Chauvin

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